5 Myths and Facts About Dental Sedation

Dental sedation reduces the anxiety patients often experience during dental care, including a variety of dental treatments, such as cleanings to complex procedures. Sedation allows for longer treatments to be more comfortable. Despite sedation becoming a routine and essential service, misconceptions about dental sedation persist.

This blog aims to demystify some of the most common myths surrounding dental sedation, shedding light on the facts to provide a clearer understanding of what sedation dentistry entails. Whether you or someone you know has postponed dental appointments due to anxiety or you feel curious about dental sedation options, then this blog is for you.

Our aim is to alleviate your concerns and encourage more people to consider sedation dentistry as a safe, comfortable, and effective option for their dental care needs.

Myth #1. Dental Sedation is Only for Major Procedures or Surgeries

A common misconception about dental sedation is that it is exclusive to only major surgical procedures. This has caused patients to assume that sedation is too extreme for minor dental work, causing them to struggle with dental anxiety, and avoid seeing the dentist.

Fact: Dental sedation is versatile and can be used for a wide range of procedures; from routine cleanings to fillings and root canals. Sedation is beneficial to patients who experience anxiety or have a low pain threshold. Depending on your needs, mild sedatives help you relax, whereas moderate sedation allows you to be in a state of deep relaxation but alert. Trained dentists like Dr. Lobb cater to each patient’s specific needs and preferences.

Myth #2. Sedation Dentistry is Unsafe

Among the concerns that deter people from opting out of sedation is the belief that sedation is unsafe and carries significant risks. This myth stems from a lack of understanding about procedures, monitoring equipment, and safety protocols.

Fact: When sedation dentistry is performed by trained and experienced professionals, it is extremely safe and effective. Dentists who provide sedation undergo rigorous training and certification to administer the sedation safely and responsibly. In addition, dental practices are equipped with hospital-like monitoring equipment to closely observe vital signs and assure the patient’s well-being throughout the procedure.

Before administering any form of sedation, a comprehensive patient evaluation is conducted. This includes reviewing the patient’s medical history, current medications, allergies, etc. This evaluation ensures the patient’s safety, including using the correct sedation method.

While any dental procedure involving sedation carries some level of risk, the level of risk is minimized through professional expertise, safety protocols and personalized care.

Relaxed Sedation Patient

Myth #3. Sedation Dentistry Causes Harmful Side Effects

Stories and misconceptions can lead to exaggerated concerns about the effects of sedation, from nausea to cognitive impairments, which has deterred patients from seeking sedation.

Fact: Although there’s always a degree of risk in any dental procedure, here is what patients can realistically expect regarding the side effects of each type of dental sedation.

  • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas): Nitrous oxide is safe, easily titrated, and has minimal side effects. Some patients might experience mild nausea or dizziness, but these symptoms resolve quickly once the gas is discontinued.

  • Oral Sedatives: In some patients, oral sedation can lead to drowsiness, dry mouth, or mild dizziness. These effects will wear off within a few hours after the procedure. Staying hydrated and resting can help alleviate these symptoms.

  • I.V. Sedation: I.V. Sedation can cause drowsiness; some patients may experience mild nausea or forgetfulness.

These minimal side effects will go away within a short period of time. It is important to disclose and discuss all medical information with your dentist before your appointment so the correct method is chosen. It is also important to ask questions or express any concerns, about the procedure or sedation with your dentist at this appointment.

Myth #4. You Will Be Completely Unconscious

A common fear a patient shares is the belief when they receive sedation, they will go completely unconscious. This misunderstanding can evoke fears of loss of control and unawareness of one’s surroundings, which deters some patients from considering sedation.

Fact: The truth about dental sedation is nuanced and patient-friendly. Unlike general anesthesia, dental sedation does not make the patient completely unconscious. Dental sedation offers a spectrum of sedation levels tailored to the patient’s needs and the complexity of the dental work.

  • Mild Sedation – Mild sedation keeps a patient awake and responsive but relaxed; patients remain capable of communicating with the dental team.


  • Moderate Sedation (including I.V. Sedation) – Moderate sedation allows a patient to be awake and respond to verbal cues, but patients may not remember much of their procedure afterwards.

  • General Anesthesia: General Anesthesia is the only form of sedation where a patient is entirely unconscious; anesthesia is typically used in more extensive dental procedures, or if the patient decides or needs to be completely unconscious..

The goal of dental sedation is to ensure patients are comfortable, anxiety-free and pain-free during their dental treatment. The level of sedation is carefully chosen and controlled by a dentist based on patients’ specific needs, ensuring they receive the proper sedation.

Myth #5. Recovery from Dental Sedation Takes Days

Another common misconception shared by patients is their belief that dental sedation has a lengthy recovery period, thinking it might take days to recover from the sedative effects fully.

Fact: The reality is that the recovery time from dental sedation is minimal and varies depending on the type of sedation used. It is often much quicker than people anticipate. 

  • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) – Recovery from Nitrous Oxide is remarkably fast. The effects from the gas will wear off within a few minutes after the mask is removed. Patients can resume normal activities almost after their appointment.
  • Oral Sedatives – For oral sedation, the recovery period can be a little longer. Patients may feel drowsy for several hours after the procedure. Most people can return to their normal routines by the next day. Driving is not advised until the sedative has fully worn off.

  • I.V. Sedation – Recovery from IV sedation can vary. Some patients feel alert shortly after the procedure, while others can experience grogginess for a few hours. Patients should plan to rest for the remainder of the day of their appointment, including not driving, operating heavy machinery or making important decisions.

Patients must carefully follow their dentist’s pre and post-sedation instructions, including dietary restrictions and activity levels. These guidelines are designed to ensure patient safety, including a smooth and speedy recovery.

A family of 3 smiling

Navigating the realm of dental sedation can be daunting, especially when confronted with myths and misconceptions which can cloud your judgement and beliefs. However, understanding the reality is essential.

Dental Sedation is Versatile – Sedation is not just for major procedures but a wide range of treatments, including cleanings, root canals, fillings, procedures, etc.

Safety is a Priority – Dental professionals and their team have training and education to ensure a strict safety protocol and constant patient evaluation. Patients can remain conscious, comfortable, and communicative, all while receiving the dental care they need without anxiety or discomfort, allowing them to resume their daily activities with minimal interruption.

Dental sedation offers a pathway to more comfortable, anxiety-free dental care. We hope to empower patients to make better-informed decisions by fostering a better understanding.

If you have a question about dental sedation, do not hesitate to contact our team at Dr. Lobb’s office.

Dr. Lobb and his team are fully trained in these forms of sedation and maintain permits issued by the Alberta Dental Association and College.

Before any sedation appointment, Dr Lobb and the Lobb Dental team will review your needs, and will provide you with important and appropriate information for how to prepare yourself before, during and after any sedation.

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