Our Services > Teeth Whitening


Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening or bleaching is a simple, safe, and non-invasive way to change the colour of your natural enamel, it can be an ideal way to enhance your smile in 10 – 20 days.

There are two different types of tooth stains:

Extrinsic – Surface or outside stains

Intrinsic Underneath the enamel stains or the interior of the tooth.


Custom Take-Home Teeth Whitening Trays

Teeth Whitening or bleaching is a simple, safe, and non-invasive way to change the colour of your natural tool enamel. One of the most popular ways to effectively whiten your teeth is a dentist-made, custom take-home teeth whitening system.

The whitening trays are custom-made to fit your teeth. A peroxide whitening gel is placed in the custom tray once a day for 30 minutes – an hour. Depending on each patient, you should see your teeth whitened in 10 – 20 days.


Difference Between Professional Whitening and Over-the Counter Whitening

The difference between professional whitening and over-the-counter whitening are three things.

Over-the-counter whitening may have a lower concentration of product, which means you likely will have to use the product for much longer than you would a custom, dentist-administered product.

Over-the-counter whitening are also affected by your saliva, if the whitening solution becomes in contact with saliva, it will be washed away. A professional tray system holds the solution against the teeth, preventing saliva from diluting it, making it much more efficient and effective.

Lastly, over-the-counter whitening strips are restricted to a generic length and width. A broad smile or larger than average teeth may not be whitened consistently or might not fit your mouth very well.

Talk to Dr. Lobb about Teeth Whitening trays by booking consultation below


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Call us at 780-488-0907 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your appointment today!